Genetic Testing | OBGYN | Together Women’s Health

Genetic Testing


Prenatal Genetic Testing‍

During pregnancy, expectant mothers can opt for prenatal genetic testing to determine the possibility of chromosome abnormalities or genetic syndromes. Information about whether a baby has certain genetic disorders can be gained from ultrasound exams and blood tests from the mother. By analyzing DNA from the placenta and fetus, it’s possible to detect certain chromosome conditions that could affect a baby’s health. 

Prenatal genetic testing and diagnostic testing is offered to all pregnant women. We also offer preconception carrier screening (Natera-Horizon). Our clinicians provide guidance and support for understanding the implications and results, allowing you to make informed decisions for you and your baby. 

We offer screening for:

  • Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
  • Trisomy 18 and 13
  • Triploidy
  • Monosomy X
  • Sex-chromosome aneuploidies
  • Microdeletions (optional)
  • Fetal sex (optional)

Cancer Risk Screening

Genetic testing can identify gene mutations linked to cancer risk and detect cancer earlier. Not only can these tests provide important information to guide your health care, but they may help predict your risk of a particular disease and find if you have genes that may pass increased cancer risk to your children.

‍We offer screening for:

  • Breast cancer risk (BRCA 1 & 2 mutations)
  • Ovarian and colon cancer
  • Assessment for hereditary cancer risk

Together Women’s Health is here for all of your female health needs. Please note that services may vary across practices and locations.

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